Resources / Helplines + Services + Education and more


A Tasmanian Lifeline
1800 98 44 34
(8am-8pm, 7 days. A non crisis line where you can speak to a counsellor at Lifeline. Bookings can be made online too)

Access Mental Health Helpline
1800 332 388
(24/7. Mental health advice and immediate counselling, information about the Tasmanian mental health system and help to getting a referral, helpful when you are after assistance not only for yourself but for someone in your care, this is delivered by the Tasmanian State government’s Department of Health in partnership with Lifeline Tasmania)

Mental Health Families and Friends

03 6228 7448

Phone support and referral for families and friends supporting someone with their mental ill health. 9-5pm weekdays.

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) Tas
1800 811 994

Child and Youth Services Parent Line
1300 808 178

Child Safety Services
1800 000 123
(9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)

Family Violence Counselling Support
1800 608 122
(9am-midnight weekdays, 4pm-midnight weekends & public holidays)

Lifelink Samaritans Tasmania
1300 364 566

Relationships Australia Tasmania
1300 364 277

Sexual Assault Support (SASS)
1800 697 877 (24/7)


Beyond Blue
1300 224 636

StandBy Support After Suicide

1300 727 247

24/7 suicide prevention counselling service

Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
24/7 phone counselling service for people at risk, concerned about someone at risk, or bereaved by suicide.

Mensline Australia
1300 789 978

Family Drug Support
1300 368 186

Family Relationships Advice Line
1800 050 321
(8am-8pm Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat)

Gambling Helpline
1800 858 858

13 11 14

Kids Helpline

1800 55 1800

24/7 phone support and online counselling for young people aged 5-25


24/7 online counselling for young people aged 12 to 25


13 92 76

24/7 phone support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA)
1300 726 306
(Mon-Fri 9am-7:30pm)


1800 184 527

Phone and webchat LGBTI peer support for people wanting to talk about a range of issues. 3pm - 12am, 7 days.

1300 111 500

1800 737 732
(24/7 sexual assault and domestic violence counselling service)

Open Arms - Veterans and Families Counselling

1800 011 046

24/7 face-to-face, phone and online counselling


Launceston Medicare Mental Health Centre (formerly Head to Health)

No appointment is needed and services are free for those over 18+. They provide a wide range of options for those requiring mental health and wellbeing support including mental health support for people with an immediate short to medium need, navigation to other suitable mental health services in the local community, and information and advice for family and friends of people experiencing mental illness. These supports will be guided by what you identify you need. Open Mon-Fri 9am - 7:30pm, 62-64 Canning Street, Launceston

Statewide Mental Health Services (Tasmanian Government)

Learn about services such as adult mental health services, child and youth, older persons and community sector organisations. This is also where you would need to start to access services such as the Peacock House.

The Peacock House (Hobart)

Peacock House has 12 bedrooms providing intensive mental health support in the community, the building is designed like a home to be open and welcoming. Admission in to this centre is through Statewide Mental Health Services.

Safe Haven (Hobart)

Safe Havens provide support to people in suicidal or situational distress and their families, friends, or support networks. Safe Havens are a therapeutic space with peer workers and senior mental health clinicians. The support offered is based on people’s preferences and needs. The Safe Haven is for people aged 15 years and over, who are experiencing situational or suicidal distress, and their families or support networks. You don’t need a referral to access Safe Haven.

Mental Health Integration Hub (Hobart)

Providing short term practical mental health support with information and advice, support to navigate mental health services and other services in the community as well as referrals and connections to other services. The Hub aims to increase mental health supports and create a sense of belonging and community by focussing on personal recovery. Open Mon - Fri 9-5pm, you don’t need a referral to access this service.

Find psychologists available Australia wide and available for telehealth appointments, find one that suits your needs.

For most Australians your first 2 sessions will be bulk billed. 182 psychologists currently available.


Australia’s only dedicated online practice. Based in Hobart, Tasmania, obtain a referral from your GP, get the GP to fax the referral through and await a call to arrange an appointment. Psychologists and Psychiatrists are both available.

Akkadian Health

Access Psychiatrists online for telehealth appointments Australia wide.


Mentally Healthy Workplaces

An excellent resource for employers and managers, I suggest beginning with the modules half way down the page - Foundations of Mentally Healthy Workplace, Mentally Healthy Policy and Practice, Mental Ill-Health in the Workplace.